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Dates and Deadlines
Can humans settle other planets? Can we become a multiplanetary species, thereby reducing our chance of extinction due to a catastrophic event? A critical aspect of this question is our...
Are you interested in pursuing a master's degree in mechanical engineering? Or maybe you'd like to work on undergraduate or graduate research in the field. All mechanical engineering students are...
The Applied Mathematics and Physics Seminar will host Dr. Austin Anderson on Tuesday, Nov. 12, from noon-1 p.m. at IST 1015. The title of the seminar is "On the Packing...
The Student Success Center is excited to host a Register with Success event on Friday, Nov. 8. Take charge of your future and join us as we assist you in...
If you are enrolled in Spring 2025 classes and show a balance, your payment plan can begin now! Sign up now if you would like to break down your balance...
As part of security improvements, Information Technology Services is preparing to update our event management system (EMS) platform to the latest version. To prepare for this, all users running the...
ACTION REQUIRED: Prepare for removal of the scratch drive (S: drive). As part of security improvement and technology modernization initiatives, Information Technology Services is preparing to shut down our legacy...
Empower students to conquer finals week! Sponsor a student with a Finals Week Survival Snack Kit for just $25. This care package will support students in need of that little...
Please note that the on-campus health clinic will be closed on the following dates: Nov. 11 (Veterans Day) Nov. 27-29 (Thanksgiving break) Dec. 16-Jan. 3 (Winter break) For more information,...
Florida Poly will offer the required State of Florida Civic Literacy Exam on: Date: Wednesday, Nov. 13 Time: 5-7 p.m. Location: IST 1026 and IST 1030 The exam will be...
This month, seniors will need to set up an appointment and meet with their career coach for one-on-one career advice. This is an excellent opportunity for seniors to refine their...
It is that time of year again. To ensure all employees are aware of and understand their responsibility to report any student disclosure of sexual misconduct to the University Title...
Students, it's time to register for next semester. Spring 2025 registration is open now through Jan. 10. Have you checked your ledger? Do you have an outstanding balance? Make sure all balances...
The Florida Polytechnic University Police Department is pleased to host the ninth annual holiday toy drive. Each year, our Florida Poly community comes together to spread joy and bring a...
The application period is now open for students who would like to be considered for Killam Fellowships Program awards for the 2025-2026 academic year. The program provides an opportunity for...
- Various Search Committees
- Intramural 5v5 Dodgeball League
- Foundation Alumni Leadership Committee Meeting
- R2538 Mechanical Engineering & R2537 Industrial Engineering Search Committee Meeting
- Various Search Committees
- Electrical Engineering Search Committee: Screening Meeting and Short TEAMS interview
- Electrical Engineering Search Committee: Candidate TEAMS interview
- Applied Mathematics Search Committee Meeting
- Career Services Pop-ups : U LEAD
- Computer Engineering Search Committee: Screening Meeting and Short TEAMS interview
- Arts, Humanities & Social Science – The English / Communication Search Committee Meeting
- Intramural 5v5 Basketball League
- Parent Network Grants Application Deadline
- Physics Search Committee Meeting
- Various Search Committees
- ECCSE Search Committee Meeting
- R2529 Chemistry Search Committee Meeting
- ECCSE Search Committee Meeting
- Full Moon Yoga
- Various Search Committees
- University Board of Trustees: Annual Retreat
- Intramural 5v5 Dodgeball Playoffs