In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), the Advocacy Center for Sexual Violence invites you to participate in a virtual Take Back The Night event to take place at 8 p.m. on Thursday, April 30.
The event is taking place due to the recent cancellation of local Take Back The Night events related to COVID-19. Florida Poly supports Take Back The Night events and supports its movement to virtual.
There is a maximum capacity of 3,000 participants at this virtual event. Register here.
Please click on the Take Back the Night Foundation for more information.
Take Back The Night events have been documented in more than 36 countries, in over 800 communities, with more locations taking a stand every year. These events have reached over 30 million people with a message of strength and support, and a commitment to ending sexual violence.
Take Back The Night is a powerful and sometimes emotional event for an individual. We want to make sure you have local resources to assist in processing this event.
On-campus: Contact BayCare CARE Services to set up an appointment as well.
Off-campus: Contact Peace River Center Victim Services
If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to Title IX Coordinator Michelle Disson.
To report sexual misconduct, please find the Online Report Form here.