Category: Announcements
October 12, 2021

Arm yourself against online threats

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between October 12, 2021 and October 16, 2021.

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month and Technology Services encourages our students, faculty, and staff to #BeCyberSmart! 

This week, we share helpful tips and resources to help you stay safe and secure online — at work and at home. If everyone does their part, our digital world will be safer and more resilient for everyone. 

Remember cybersecurity is our shared responsibility. Report any suspicious activity immediately to the Technology Services help desk via email or call 863-874-8888. 

Here are this weeks helpful tips and resources: 

Training video: Pretexting Demo – This video is about social engineering attack using pretexting. Pretexting is a form of social engineering where the attacker lies to obtain restricted information. This demo explains how the attacker is able to steal the local password and the password for the HR system by pretending to be a member of the IT team. 

Suggested training topic: 2021 Danger Zone Game – Oh no! A hacker is inside your organization and has spotted an unlocked workstation. It is a race against time! Answer security awareness questions correctly and you will move closer to the workstation. Answer incorrectly and the hacker will move closer. Stop the hacker, get to that workstation, and save the organization. Game on! 

For other social engineering awareness tips, click here.  

Learn 20 ways to block mobile attacks by clicking here.  

For more information, contact the Help Desk via email or call 863-874-8888.