Category: Announcements
June 28, 2022

Congrats to students invited to national leadership conference

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between June 28, 2022 and July 4, 2022.

Every year, the American Association of University Women (AAUW) invites hundreds of college women from around the country to their annual National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL). This year, AAUW sponsored six Florida Polytechnic University students to attend the event last month: Yuki Lieu, Anamaria Unzueta, Victoria Correa Andrade, Vanessa Townsend, Maria Valencia, and Elise Araiza. They enjoyed three days full of virtual leadership training, inspiration, and networking.

Unzueta shared about her experience: “I had the pleasure of attending this year’s National Conference for College Women Student Leaders thanks to the sponsorship of the American Association of University Women (AAUW). I got to make over 40 new connections from inspiring women who told me their stories of how they achieved their leadership positions. My favorite activities from the conference were the first day’s design thinking workshop as well as a very inspiring leadership panel regarding graduate paths. I now have a clearer idea of where I want to take my skills and academics after completing my bachelor’s degree. Thank you to NCCWSL for this experience and to the AAUW for the opportunity.”

The American Association of University Women was created in 1881 to advocate for workplace equity. The organization has encouraged and supported Florida Poly female students through leadership training opportunities and has partnered with University faculty and staff to provide STEM educational outreach to girls from K-12.

For more information about AAUW and campus organizations supporting Florida Poly’s female student body, contact Dr. Susan LeFrancois.