Category: Announcements
January 18, 2022

Important information on contract authority

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between January 19, 2022 and January 31, 2022.

The University President and the authorized designees are the only individuals who have the authority to enter into purchasing contracts on behalf of Florida Poly. University employees must not execute contracts or other documents of agreement or commitment, such as memorandums of understanding, quotes, amendments or renewals on behalf of the University unless they have a written delegation of authority on file with the Office of the General Counsel to do so. At this time, only the following individuals have the necessary delegations of authority to enter into and sign purchasing agreements on behalf of the University:

Employee Purchasing Contract Value Limit (including all renewals)
Randy Avent, President Up to $1,000,000*
Gina DeIulio, Vice President and General Counsel Up to $500,000
Andrea Cashell, Director Procurement Up to $500,000
Laura Marrone, Associate Director of Procurement Up to $250,000

*Purchasing agreements in excess of $1,000,000 require the approval of the BOT Finance and Facilities Chair prior to execution. Subsequent amendments to a Purchasing Agreement that cause the value of the agreement to exceed $2,000,000, require approval by the Finance and Facilities Committee prior to executing the amendments.

For more information, contact the Office of General Counsel.