Category: Announcements
April 11, 2023

Register for free cybersecurity training workshop

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between April 12, 2023 and April 17, 2023.

Are you interested in participating in a very interesting cybersecurity training workshop? Here’s some important information:

  • Free 2.5-day on-campus cybersecurity workshop for students on Friday, April 21 – Sunday, April 23
  • Delivery by Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL) Inc
  • Focused on industrial control systems and NIST cybersecurity framework
  • Open to all students interested in cybersecurity
  • No need to have any specific software or hardware background
  • Get a training completion certificate from SEL if attend all modules
  • Required to bring your own laptop
  • Limited number of seats available
  • Registration ends Friday, April 14.
  • Late registration inquiries will be on a waiting list

To register or for more information, please emailĀ Dr. M. Reza Khalghani or Dr. Karim Elish.