Category: Announcements
May 18, 2021

Designated smoking areas relocation notice

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between May 18, 2021 and May 31, 2021.

The designated smoking areas in front of the Innovation, Science, and Technology (IST) building are being considered for relocation. Out of concern for those with lung issues or allergies to smoke, Student Government has asked for the following changes:

  1. The current smoking location at the southwest entrance of the IST will be moved to a new location located about a 20-second walk to the north.
  2. The location near the Applied Research Center (ARC) is proposed to move farther down the walkway, on the same side of the lakes but farther from the main entrances of both the IST and the ARC.

If you have concerns about these proposed locations, please contact Yarelis Sanchez.