Technology Services will be working with each department to replace DUO Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) with Microsoft AzureMFA.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is the process where access to a system is verified by a secondary method in addition to a password. MFA has become a prevalent security practice and is critical to the digital safety of the Florida Poly community and University systems. Many of you have become familiar with the DUO MFA tool that we use to validate login for systems containing high risk data (such as Workday). In an effort to reduce costs and provide improved services for the University, we are switching our MFA tool from DUO to Microsoft’s AzureMFA (AMFA). AMFA works very similarly to DUO. Completing this switch should only take a few minutes of your time.
What to Expect:
The rollout of AMFA will happen in two phases. In the first phase, Technology Services will work closely with your department to help you pre-enroll. You’ll be given a step-by-step guide so that you can pre-enroll at whatever time is most convenient for you. Once the entire department is pre-enrolled, Technology Services will “flip the switch” so that AMFA is enabled for your Microsoft Office products (e.g. Outlook, Teams, etc.).
Because of the nature of the software, the “switch” for non-Microsoft applications (e.g. Workday) will need to be flipped for all users University-wide at the same time. This is the second phase and is currently targeted for mid-August prior to the beginning of the fall ’21 semester. Because you’ll have already pre-enrolled in AMFA, no additional setup or action will be required on your part. We’ll send out a notification as this time approaches. In the meantime, there will be a few weeks where both DUO and AMFA are running simultaneously, and you will be prompted to authenticate via AMFA for all Microsoft products, and DUO MFA for all other systems.
If you have any questions, contact the Help Desk via email or by call 863-874-8888.