Category: Announcements
June 18, 2019

End of fiscal year 2019 is here

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between June 18, 2019 and June 29, 2019.

As a reminder, please familiarize yourself with the remaining Accounting & Procurement deadlines for the end of the fiscal year 2019 memorandum and communicate the deadlines to your staff. Please give specific attention to the following:

  • Online approvals for requisitions, expense reports, etc… must be completed by the deadline.
  • Check your approval queues frequently to ensure all expense reports and requisitions are approved on or before the deadline.
  • Failure to adhere to this schedule will result in requests being rejected, returned, or processed against the fiscal year 2020, if applicable.

Thank you for your cooperation in adhering to the established deadlines. Your full cooperation will assist finance and procurement in accommodating all FY 2019 end-of-year processing.

As always, if you have any additional questions or require further clarification, please, do not hesitate to contact the respective department by phone or email: