Category: Dates and Deadlines
September 20, 2022

Oct. 3 – Florida Southern College is coming to campus

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between September 20, 2022 and October 3, 2022.

Accelerate your graduate degree! Florida Southern College MBA program will be on campus to discuss their 4+1 MBA program.

  • When: Monday, Oct. 3
  • Time: 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
  • Location: IST South Lobby

MBA program director Dr. Krista Lewellyn and her staff will be here to discuss the program and answer all your questions.

This program provides all eligible Florida Poly undergraduate students the opportunity to complete the Florida Southern College MBA program in one academic year, after receiving a bachelor’s degree from Florida Poly.

Florida Poly students can choose from the Online MBA or the Saturday-Hybrid MBA. The admission criteria is the same for both programs.

For more information, contact Joan Ortiz.