Category: Announcements
July 26, 2022

Guest parking permit procedure

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between July 26, 2022 and August 3, 2022.

Auxiliary Enterprises has recently commissioned a parking and transportation study to develop mid- and long-term plans related to campus parking. As part of this, we are fielding a review of our parking to track lot usage and aid us in understanding the use of our physical systems outside of the traditional paid parking by student and employees. To do this, beginning immediately, departments requesting complimentary parking for guests are asked to provide their request two business days in advance. Requests received day of may not be able to be processed in time and the vehicle is subject to citation. If a citation is issued, it will be the responsibility of the vehicle owner or department to cover the cost of the citation.

Send requests to Parking and Transportation. The request must include the following information:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Lot
  • Vehicle make
  • Vehicle model
  • Vehicle color
  • Plate number
  • Plate state of issuance
  • Cost center number of department making request
  • Reason for complimentary visitor permit request

So that your guests have the best experience possible when parking on our campus, please be sure to let them know that University guests are subject to 6C13-1.003 Parking On University Property policy. As a reminder, vehicles cannot back into parking spaces unless there is a state issued plate on the front. The license plate number is the permit; if it cannot be viewed it is in violation of the policy and subject to citation.

If you have any questions, please let us know at