Category: Announcements
May 5, 2020

HR tips for remote work

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between May 5, 2020 and May 11, 2020.

Many organizations, such as Florida Poly, have asked employees to work remotely during the coronavirus outbreak. If you have never worked from home, this can be a challenge. Below are some useful tips for working remotely:

Be camera ready – Your home office must not only be functional, but it should also be aesthetically pleasing. Meetings are being conducted using videoconferencing software, so it is critical that your space be camera ready. Think about what others will see when you are online. Look at your background space – is it cluttered and distracting? If so, you may want to consider options for blurring your background or think about moving your location to an area in your home that is more organized and professional in appearance. Creating a dedicated area that is functional, tidy, and free from background environmental noises will help ensure that your meeting time is productive and free from unnecessary distractions. Carve out some time to become familiar with your camera and your video conferencing software. You should look at the position of your camera, lighting within the area, etc. And, of course, make sure you look your best!

Protect your eyesight – You may find yourself spending significantly more time in front of your monitor, so it is important to ensure that you are taking care of your eyes. Take breaks from the screen. Make sure your monitor is positioned so you are not straining your eyes to see. Reduce screen glare using windows, curtains, blinds, dimmed lights, and monitor settings. Every 10 minutes take a 10-20 second break from the screen – stretch your arms, back, and neck to avoid muscle stiffness and pain.

Engage in strategic outreach with your coworkers – More than ever, it is important to stay connected to avoid feelings of isolation and depression. Most of us enjoy our social interactions with our colleagues – it keeps us in touch and helps fosters a sense of teamwork and community. Although we cannot exchange pleasantries with one another over a morning cup of coffee, we can reach out to each other to catch up on life events and joint projects. Remember, we are all in this together!

For more information, email Human Resources or call 863-874-8425.