Category: Announcements
March 5, 2019

Internet firewall and VPN upgrade on March 14

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between March 4, 2019 and March 10, 2019.

March 14 from 6-9 p.m. Technology Services will be upgrading our firewall. Please upgrade your VPN client to retain access. Read on or contact the Helpdesk for more details.

On March 14, from 6-9 p.m., Technology Services will be upgrading the University’s internet firewall. You need to know two things about this upgrade:

  1. From off-campus, access to our web server and VPN will be briefly disrupted. From on-campus, there will be no service disruption.
  2. You must upgrade your VPN client to access VPN services after the upgrade. Look for ‘Palo Alto Global Protect’ in ‘Software Center’ on Windows or ‘Managed Software Center’ on MacOS. We’ve attached further documentation and screenshots to this page.

(We’re working to install the new client on University computers but your action is the best way to ensure you’ve received the upgrade.)

This VPN will replace the existing Cisco VPN. You will have the same access as before depending on your user profile.

The firewall is our primary protection from malicious software and people on the internet. Firewalls monitor and manage access between the internet and our Florida Poly network—blocking the bad, allowing the good. We’re upgrading to improve performance and enhance security.

As always, if you have questions about any Technology Services upgrade, please email the Helpdesk or call 863-874-8888.