Category: Dates and Deadlines
January 15, 2019

Jan. 17 – Innovation Speaker Series

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between January 15, 2019 and January 17, 2019.

The Innovation Speaker Series highlights leading #ChangeMakers across the nation who have created a product, service, or organization that has resulted in substantial impact in their market or community.

Join us Thursday, Jan. 17, as our guest will be Jim Thomas, an international speaker, futurist thought leader, and entrepreneur. Thomas currently serves as the CEO of the Central Florida Tech Alliance.

As a community lecture series, the Innovation Speaker Series spurs creative and innovative conversations about creating a similar impactful change in our communities across Florida.

These events are open to the public and occur the third Thursday of every month and are located in the IST Building at Florida Poly, in the Aula Magna.

The event is free. However, registration is required. Participants will receive a confirmation email with parking and other event information after registering.

For more information, contact Lidia Vigil.