Category: Dates and Deadlines
July 6, 2021

July 9-Concert/Band Shirt Day

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between July 6, 2021 and July 9, 2021.

What music genre is your go to on the radio? Best concert EVER?! Show off your favorite band and wear your concert shirt this Friday, July 9. Get your groupies together for a photo and submit it to the Summer Days 2021 Album.

Answers to last week’s 4th of July trivia:

  1. What is the name of the national anthem? – The Star-Spangled Banner
  2. Why did the United States declare independence? – Separation from Great Britain
  3. Who wrote the national anthem? – Francis Scott Key
  4. Who made the first American flag? – Betsy Ross
  5. How tall is the Statue of Liberty? – 151 feet from statute to torch/305 feet from ground level to torch
  6. What country gifted the Statue of Liberty? – France
  7. How much does America spend on fireworks for the 4th of July yearly? – $1 billion
  8. How many hot dogs do Americans consume on the 4th of July yearly? – 150 million
  9. How many people have 4th of July cookouts? – 150 million
  10. What was the original shape of the stars on the flag? – Circle
  11. Where was the first celebration of Independence Day held? – Philadelphia
  12. Every Independence Day, how many times does the Liberty Bell ring? – 13 times
  13. What was the name of the newspaper that published the Declaration of Independence? – The Pennsylvania Evening Post
  14. The 4th of July commemorates which document? – Declaration of Independence
  15. What was the Statue of Liberty’s official name? – Liberty Enlightening the World
  16. During World War II, where did the Declaration of Independence get stored? – Fort Knox

If you have any questions, please contact Sherri Pavlik.