Category: Dates and Deadlines
June 2, 2020

June 30-Deadline for employee performance evaluations

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between June 2, 2020 and June 15, 2020.

The Office of Human Resources would like to remind you that all Employee Performance Evaluations are due by Tuesday, June 30, at 5 p.m. As part of the evaluation process, please encourage your employees to complete their Self Review Worksheet prior to your completing their evaluations. Although the Self Review Worksheet is not required (and should remain in the employee’s departmental file), engaging your employees in the process is essential and important to developing goals and career development plans.

The forms to complete the evaluation process linked below:

Signed and completed Employee Performance Evaluations are to be sent to Human Resources. As part of the evaluation process, HR is asking that you include an updated position description along with the appraisal (this should be a separate document and submitted with the evaluation). This will ensure all employee position descriptions are up-to-date and include the current tasks being performed.

If you have any questions concerning your employees’ position descriptions, please email Gloria Nelson or call 863-874-8402.