Category: Announcements
April 9, 2019

March gym Members of the Month

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between April 9, 2019 and April 15, 2019.

Please help the Student Development Center congratulate March’s Members of the Month: Brooke Smith and Yogi Schlesinger.

Members of the Month are selected based on the most frequent visits, as well as nominations. In March, Yogi Schlesinger visited the gym the most. He is always at the gym, showing his dedication and determination to his health and fitness by being consistent. Brooke Smith was nominated by other members because she comes to the gym regularly after her runs and continues her workout by pushing herself on the weight room floor.

Members of the Month receive a t-shirt, a gym duffel bag, and a gym towel.

Both of you have been doing great this semester.  Keep going!