Category: Announcements
May 21, 2019

Mental Health Awareness Month challenge

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between May 21, 2019 and May 27, 2019.

As we move further into Mental Health Awareness Month, we are offering a second challenge meant to focus on mental health awareness

Week Two Challenge:  Awareness of social media on our mental health

Think about sharing five social media accounts that are uplifting, motivational or inspiring to you.  Also contemplate unfollowing five social media accounts that you may have developed a habit of visiting, but leave you feeling upset, annoyed, anxious or insecure.  This week’s challenge is meant to remind our Florida Poly community that social media can cause us to compare ourselves to others, leading to anxiety or depression.  Being consumed by social media robs us of real social interactions with one another and can make us less focused on the here and now.  Florida Poly Phoenix, let’s be aware of time spent on social media and continue to engage one another with real face-to-face interactions.

For more information, email Kristin Stokes.