Category: Announcements
October 4, 2021

Helpful tips for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between October 4, 2021 and October 11, 2021.

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This week, we’re sharing helpful tips and resources to help you stay safe and secure online — at work and at home. If everyone does their part, our digital world will be safer and more resilient for everyone.

Here are some helpful tips and resources:

Training video: 2021 Social Engineering Red Flags

This training will help you recognize the threats you face on a regular basis from cybercrime by letting you know what red flags, signs of danger, or problems to be on the lookout for. Most importantly, it will teach you what steps you can take to reduce the chances that you and your organization become the hacker’s latest victim.

Suggested training topic: Mobile Device Security

Hackers want to use your mobile device as a gateway to your organization’s data. This interactive module puts the power in your hands so you can protect that data. You will learn about the dangers surrounding Bluetooth, WiFi, apps, and even human error. You will also learn how to protect your organization from these threats, then apply this knowledge in three real-life scenarios.

To see examples of email phishing red flags, click here.

To see phishing awareness tips, click here.