Category: Announcements
January 14, 2020

New HR manager training

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between January 14, 2020 and January 24, 2020.

Human Resources is launching training for managers. For your convenience, training will be offered at Main Campus as well as Florida Poly South, and will be delivered in a Brown Bag, Lunch & Learn format. Here are the dates coming up this month:

  • Wednesday, Jan. 22, Main Campus (IST-1046) – Career Conversations
  • Friday, Jan. 24, Poly South (LTB-2155) – Career Conversations

Managers strive to deliver performance feedback that is fair and constructive, yet the process is sometimes difficult and demotivating to your team. As the workplace changes and the workforce becomes more diverse, our performance management strategies to retain, motivate, and engage our teams must also change. How can we enhance our use of the traditional annual performance review and make it more relevant to our team and helpful to us as managers?

Prepare your team for better performance evaluations with Career Conversations.  In this session, you will learn how to use this simple tool to better communicate with your team prior to the performance review and greatly improve the performance management process in your department.

All managers will receive an invitation to register for the location most convenient for them.

For more information email Gloria Nelson or call 863-874-8402.