Category: Dates and Deadlines
October 8, 2019

Oct. 19-Oak Grove ribbon cutting ceremony

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between October 8, 2019 and October 19, 2019.

President Randy Avent invites all Florida Poly employees to join him and Student Government Association President Ryan Perez as they host the Oak Grove ribbon-cutting ceremony on Saturday, October 19. The event starts at 11 a.m. and it’s part of the Phoenix Family Day activities.

The ceremony officially opens the newly designed student space on campus located between the Wellness Center and the Student Development Center.

A free barbeque lunch will be held following the Oak Grove ribbon-cutting ceremony and is open to all employees in attendance. For those interested in attending lunch during Phoenix Family Day, please register here by Oct. 14.

Find the full schedule of Phoenix Family Day events here.

President Avent and SGA President Perez look forward to seeing you there.