Category: Announcements
September 27, 2022

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between September 27, 2022 and October 4, 2022.

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a nationwide campaign and an opportunity to improve the focus on understanding internet security and to raise awareness of the resources available to stay safe online. The Technology Services Department encourages our students, faculty, and staff to do your part and #BeCyberSmart! This year, our emphasis is on the key message: “If you connect it, protect it. 

Each week in October, we will share helpful tips and resources to help you stay safe and secure online — at work and at home. If everyone does their part, our digital world will be safer and more resilient for everyone. Be on the lookout for more information. 

Here is an information preview of this and upcoming weeks’ program: 

  Week 1  Week 2  Week 3  Week 4 
Infographic  Email Phishing Red Flags  Block Mobile Attacks  The Red Flags Of Rogue URLS  20 Ways to Avoid Cybercrime 
Training Video   Social Engineering Red Flags  Pretexting Demo  Your Role: Internet Security & You  Password Management Demo 
Awareness Tips   Phishing  Social Engineering  Don’t Be A Target  Password Security 
Suggested Training Topic  Mobile Device Security  Danger Zone Game  Creating Strong Passwords – Security Awareness Training  Mobile-First Module: Staying Safe in the Cloud 


For more information, email the Helpdesk or call 863-874-8888.