Category: Dates and Deadlines
January 8, 2019

Jan. 24 – President’s office hours

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between January 9, 2019 and January 16, 2019.

Approximately once a month, President Randy K. Avent will hold office hours to meet with undergraduate and graduate students in his office (IST Building, second floor, suite 2056). These sessions are an opportunity for students to get to know the president and to speak with him about the topics that are on their minds.

No prior appointment is necessary. President Avent will meet with students in the order that they arrive. A sign-up sheet will be available 30 minutes prior to the start of the scheduled office hour, and appointments will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Dates of office hours:

  • Thursday, Jan. 24, 3-5 p.m.

A few notes about office hours:

  • This page will display the most current dates and times for office hours. We will make every effort to maintain this schedule, but if dates or times do change, they will be noted here.
  • One of the goals for office hours is for President Avent to get to know and interact with individual students. Student groups are welcome to meet with him during office hours, but please limit the size of your group to three or four people.
  • These sessions are not intended as an opportunity for student groups to request endorsement letters or funding.
  • President Avent will not be able to intervene in individual problems that are appropriately handled by the faculty chairs or other Florida Poly officials.
  • To accommodate as many students as possible, meetings will last approximately 10 minutes when other students are waiting.