Category: Announcements
February 28, 2023

Who is the new Quiet Quality Award winner?

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between February 28, 2023 and March 6, 2023.

The Office of Human Resources is pleased to announce that Melissa Vazquez has been selected as a recipient of the Quiet Quality Award.

Melissa is a director in Academic Affairs and reports to the Provost, Dr. Terry Parker. She has worked for Florida Poly since April 2013, and is one of our most senior employees. Working with virtually every department, Melissa is an essential link between the Provost’s Office, academic departments, and Human Resources. Always positive and helpful to others, Melissa is known for her professional demeanor and constructive attitude, in addition to her ability to make one feel that there’s nothing more important than helping you (even though she may be in the midst of 20 other high-priority tasks). She has established and maintained excellent relationships across the University, and goes above and beyond in ensuring operations are carried out in an exemplary and timely manner. She was nominated for this recognition by the provost, and her nomination was enthusiastically endorsed by Human Resources, Mike Dieckman, Dr. Shahram Taj, and Dr. Ben Matthew Corpus.

For additional information on Melissa’s nominations and how you can nominate a colleague for recognition, please visit the Human Resources webpage.