Category: Announcements
September 10, 2019

Don’t forget mandatory cyber-security training

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between September 10, 2019 and September 16, 2019.

All employees—faculty, staff, and student-employees—must annually complete security awareness training as part of the University’s continued efforts to address the increasing threats to the security of our information systems and data. Technology Services administers this training through an online portal, KnowBe4. Each Florida Poly employee has a responsibility to safeguard the information entrusted to the University. Studies show that a substantial number of cyber-attacks involve unintended actions of users of information systems; this risk can be mitigated through an effective security awareness training program. 


All employees with an active status, regardless of previous training, are required to complete the annual information security awareness training between September 2 and October 31, 2019. This training is required annually as stated in the Mandatory Information Security Training Policy.   


You should have received an email notification from KnowBe4 ( explaining how to access the training through the KnowBe4 Training Portal. You’ll log into the portal with your Florida Poly username and password.  


Training will focus on specific security topics and conclude with questions to test comprehension. The training should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.  


While each of us has an individual responsibility to protect our data and information systems, we are confident that members of the Florida Poly community will work together to both develop a strong and keen culture of cyber-risk awareness and strengthen our defenses against future attacks. Prevention is the best defense! 


As always, please contact the Helpdesk by email or call 863-874-8888.