Category: Announcements
April 30, 2019

SDC April Members of the Month

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between April 30, 2019 and May 6, 2019.

Congratulations to the Student Development Center (SDC) April Members of the Month: Mark Ellis, a sophomore majoring in computer science from Fort Myers, Florida, and John Towey, a junior majoring in mechanical engineering from Plantation, Florida.

Mark and John were selected based on the most frequent visits and nominations. In April, John visited the gym the most and has really stepped it up, even with finals approaching. Mark was recognized and nominated by other gym members as well. He started visiting the gym without really knowing where to begin, and now stands strong amongst his other fit Phoenixes. As a result of their dedication to a healthy lifestyle, each of them will receive a t-shirt, a gym duffel bag, and a gym towel.

Are you next?