Category: Announcements
March 9, 2021

“Think Fall 2021″ leadership opportunities

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between March 9, 2021 and March 15, 2021.

If you are graduating and are thinking about grad school or your professional future, we encourage you to find a Spring/Summer 2021 Grads course on Canvas for critical information on graduation and careers.

Student Affairs is working with several campus partners to organize leadership opportunities for fall 2021. If you are interested in participating in these key opportunities, raise your hand and register here to complete the survey and begin your campus leadership experience.

Survey results will be triaged into different runways of student leadership opportunities. All students who express interest will receive additional information.

Please, take time to complete the survey ASAP!

Key leadership opportunities are:

  1. Admissions Ambassadors
  2. Educational Outreach Assistants (EOA)
  3. Orientation Leaders (OL)
  4. Peer Health Educators (PhE)
  5. Presidential Ambassadors (PA)
  6. Recreation Student Workers
  7. Resident Assistants (RA)
  8. Student Government Association (SGA)

For additional information, please contact Dr. Kathryn Miller.