Category: Announcements
March 26, 2019

Volunteers needed for commencement marshals

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between March 25, 2019 and April 8, 2019.

The registrar’s office is seeking 12 staff volunteers to serve as Spring 2019 Commencement marshals.

Marshals play a central role in the Commencement ceremony and add to the pomp and circumstance of the occasion. The marshals will lead and guide the student procession to their seats and through the ceremony and may be assigned to other duties during the event. Marshals will be provided with a purple graduation robe to wear during the ceremony.

To volunteer email Andreina Arroyo and cc your supervisor by 5 p.m. Friday, April 12.

In the email, please include:

  1. Your full name
  2. Your supervisor’s name and a statement that your supervisor supports your serving as a Marshal (please ask first)
  3. The month and year you started working at Florida Polytechnic University

Marshals will be chosen in order of their start date at the University. If we have more than 12 volunteers, we may still need other volunteers to assist and we’ll contact you. The expected time commitment is for the full day.

For more information contact the registrar’s office.