Category: Announcements
December 18, 2018

W-2s coming soon and action required

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between December 17, 2018 and December 30, 2018.

Florida Polytechnic University is required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to provide each employee with a W-2 form each calendar year. The W-2 form provides the employee’s compensation and tax withholding amounts for the year and may be used to complete the employee’s annual tax return. All employees will have access to view and print their electronic W-2 form in Workday beginning mid-January.  Refer to the W-2 Statement, View & Print job aid for step-by-step instructions.

Keep your personal information secure and minimize the possibility of tax-related identity theft by choosing the “Receive electronic copy of my Year End Tax Documents option” in Workday. This action will eliminate the University from mailing your W-2, minimizing the opportunity for identity theft.

Employee Action Required

This activity will take less than five minutes.

Using the W-2 Elections job aid, log in to Workday and choose one of two options to receive a W-2 statement:

  • Option 1  Receive electronic copy of my Year End Tax Documents
  • Option 2  Receive both electronic and paper copies of my Year End Tax Documents

As always, email the Payroll Office or call 863-333-0802 with payroll-related questions.