Category: Announcements
November 2, 2021

Windows and MacOS system updates and patches

This notice appeared in the Weekly Phoenix between November 2, 2021 and November 8, 2021.

An important part of protecting your online device and your information is keeping current with installing software updates and patches. In addition to security, installing available Windows and Apple system updates gives you access to the newest features and operating system enhancements. 

A system reboot is required to successfully install most security patches. Until the reboot occurs, the patch is not active, and the computer remains vulnerable to attacks. Although a system reboot is not always convenient, it’s important that you take advantage of lulls and down times to enable a system reboot. Please make sure your work is always saved so nothing will be lost during a reboot. 

Technology Services strongly recommends that you install updates as soon as convenient after we release them to the University, to ensure your University-owned device is protected and unplanned rebooting does not disrupt your work. 

For more information, please email the IT helpdesk or call 863-874-8888.